Where to Buy

Orms Cape Town / Bellville

Phone: 021 465 3573
Email: sales@orms.co.za


Phone: +27823148308
Email: deon@filmflow.co.za

Cine Photo Tools

Phone: +27 21 462 6933
Email: sales@cinephototools.com


Phone: 011 880 2885
Email: info@kameraz.co.za

Peter Lambert

Phone: +27 83 313 6106
Email: dangerbeach@gmail.com

Where to rent

Peter Lambert

Phone: +27 83 313 6106
Email: dangerbeach@gmail.com

The Magic Lightbox Company

Phone: 011 463 7584
Email: rentals@magiclightbox.com

Christopher Grant Harvey

Phone: cgh@argh.techwww.argh.tech
Email: +27727411705